Literacy Project
Photo by Mattes MichaelaThe Literacy Project is an annual interactive learning experience where each participating class receives a FREE class kit complete with educational resources and enough supplies to complete hands-on activities with students. This program integrates agricultural themes into PreK-12 instruction, connecting to academic standards for language arts, social studies, STEM, and AFNR. This project seeks to cultivate a love for reading while enhancing the understanding of agricultural concepts, ultimately fostering empowered and literate communities. A new topic and book, featuring Colorado agriculture stories, are chosen each year. This is a FREE program.
2025 Literacy Project
Cattle, Corn, and Courage – The Story of Dr. John Matsushima
Dr. John Matsushima, who is currently 103 years old, is the son of Japanese immigrants, born in Denver and raised on a family farm in Platteville, Colorado. He started raising cattle as a member of 4-H and FFA and attended Colorado A&M, now Colorado State University, in Fort Collins. He has spent nearly 65 years of his life at CSU as a student, professor, and researcher, maintaining regular office hours until 2020. Dr. Matsushima battled bigotry and poverty on his path to becoming a legendary scientist in beef cattle nutrition whose innovations have influenced the global food system. Dr. Matsushima has already educated several generations of students and we can't wait to share his story and significance with a new generation of students.
Free Program for PreK-12 Students

NEW for 2025 - TWO class kits available - one for elementary level students and a separate kit for middle/high school level students. We will provide enough supplies for as many participating students and teachers as you indicate.
The Elementary Level Kit includes a copy of the new children's book, "Cattle, Corn, and Courage" per participating teacher, a short video interview with Dr. Matsushima, samples of corn, a beef stick for all preK-5 participants, a History Colorado virtual field trip, corresponding educational resources, and one copy of the Colorado Ag Careers magazine per participating teacher.
The Middle/High School Level Kit includes a copy of the children's book per participating teacher, a longer documentary video on Dr. Matsushima, corresponding educational resources, access to the History Colorado virtual field trip, and the new Colorado Ag Careers magazine for all participating MS/HS students and teachers (published in partnership with The Fence Post) with a higher-level story on Dr. Matsushima and information on careers in agriculture.
Ag/FFA teachers are encouraged to request the Middle/High School Level Kit for their students and then check with their elementary teachers to request kits and/or complete the Elementary Level Kit with the younger students.
Deadline to sign up is January 20, 2025 - or until kit requests are maxed out. This program takes place from mid-February through May. Teachers may complete the activities at their convenience. Kit deliveries will begin after February 9th and anticipated to be finished by the end of March.
Educational Resources
- Sponsor Thank You & Special Acknowledgements
- Program Guide
- Elementary Activity Packet
- Middle/High School Activity Packet
- Answer Key
- Cattle, Corn, and Courage – Book Pages (PowerPoint Slides)
- History Colorado Virtual Field Trip – Japanese Americans in Colorado during WWII
- Elementary Student Activities in Spanish
- Q&A Video with Dr. Matsushima – Coming Soon!
- Documentary Video on Dr. Matsushima – Coming Soon!
- Video Contest Information
- Submit Entries for Video Contest
- Additional Lessons from the Matrix
- Literacy Project Evaluation Survey
Volunteers Needed to Visit Classrooms
Calling all ag enthusiasts! Volunteer to be a guest reader to visit classrooms, share this inspiring story, and spark students’ curiosity about agriculture. To volunteer, please complete the Literacy Project Volunteer Form below. This form has three parts: 1) Volunteer Contact Information; 2) CoAITC’s Volunteer Code of Conduct; and 3) Preferences for the classes/schools you’d like to be matched with. The contains more information about volunteering and a link to the schools/classes who have requested a guest reader. Your time and enthusiasm as a volunteer are essential to the success of this program!
Order Your Own Copy of Our Book
Individual Copies of Cattle, Corn, and Courage – The Story of Dr. John Matsushima may be purchased directly from author Rachel Gabel at Copies of the Spanish version and bulk orders of 20 copies or more are also available at a reduced price by contacting Jennifer Scharpe.
Thank You to Our 2025 Literacy Project Sponsors!
Colorado Agriculture in the Classroom extends our deepest gratitude to the generous sponsors of the 2025 Literacy Project. Your support makes it possible to bring agricultural literacy to students across Colorado, inspiring the next generation with stories of innovation, resilience, and the importance of agriculture in our daily lives. Read these heartfelt quotes from teachers that show the lasting impact of the project:
- “Thank you for teaching us about Colorado history and agriculture through a book, samples, and activities!”
- “Thank you for offering this program and with a book in Spanish as well. My multilingual learners will enjoy reading the book in Spanish.”
- “Thank you for this exciting curriculum. I love the connection to a community that is close to us.”
Join us in growing this impact – donate today and help inspire the next generation with the story of agriculture!
Champion of Education ($10,000 and Above)
Honor Roll ($5,000 to $9,999)
Class Leader ($1,000 to $4,999)
Grassroots Advocate (Up to $1,000)
- Acosta, Jose Ramon Rivera
- Allnutt, Rachel and Wade
- Boyd, Larry and Wanda
- Boyer, Luann
- Colorado Cattlemen’s Association
- Fremont County CattleWomen
- Hammerich, Bill and Sabrina
- Kasza, Joe and Kaye
- Krieg, Elsa
- La Plata County Cowbelles
- LAW USA Foundation
- Longview Meats (Allnutt Family)
- Lower Arkansas Valley Water Conservancy District
- Matsushima, Randy
- Offenbacker, Sharon
- Oliver, Nancy and Gene
- Peppler, Colleen
- Pineridge Farms, LTD (Jaouen Family)
- Premier Farm Credit
- Rupple Farms, LLC
- Seifert, Scott
- The High Lonesome Ranch
- Uniscope, Inc.
- Weld County CattleWomen
- Yuma County CattleWomen