Outstanding Teacher Award
Photo by Leyva Caren2019 CoAITC Outstanding Teacher Award
Andy Klatt

National Excellence in Teaching About Agriculture Award Winner
Andy Klatt of Windsor, Colorado was a 2019 National Excellence in Teaching About Agriculture Award Winner. Mr. Klatt is a physical education teacher at Grandview Elementary in Windsor. He has the unique opportunity to teach agricultural literacy concepts to all of the kindergarten through 5th grade students in his school. And he has extended that reach to his community and the Windsor School District. Klatt’s efforts to teach agricultural concepts begin with the school garden. This past year the garden received a $96,000 remodel and upgrade, with the help of 25 Windsor-area businesses and organizations donating the supplies and other necessary assistance to complete the renovation project. Each grade level plants and cares for the different sections of the garden, which Klatt ties into concepts they learn in their other classes. The students eat or otherwise use everything they grow.